I was given a request for a visiting teaching form – a way for sisters who don’t use the internet much, to report how they have contacted their sisters. I tweaked my personal progress form to make this visiting teaching report. Visiting teachers can mark any of the boxes that apply for ways in which they contacted their sisters, and can then write some details of their visit – things that they could share about what’s happening in her life, service that was given, etc. The forms can be kept on a table outside the Relief Society room, then dropped into a box or handed to a visiting teaching supervisor.
You can download below:
Thank you!
Kristin, I’ve shared the link back to this report on my blog today. I’m so glad you shared it. I love how you always combine function with visual appeal. Thanks!
Thank you so much for this great V.T. tool! We will try and put it in use. Just a quick note in the Spanish translation. The “Charity never faileth” it is translated to “La Caridad nunca deja de ser” rather than “Amor.” Thank you so much for doing it in Spanish as well. There is so little material out there in other languages besides English. Thank you!
You’re welcome! And thanks for letting me know about the translation. It’s been updated.
Can you tell me if you created this in Word or Excel? My Relief Society President really likes the idea and we would like to make something similar for our ward. Thanks.
Denise – I used InDesign for this.