I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! We have been enjoying the last days of our Christmas countdown – making ornaments to fill up our ornament boxes, delivering Christmas goodies in little paper gingerbread houses, caroling, and looking at Christmas lights.
I’m starting to look ahead to the new year, and thinking of how I want to be better organized, better disciplined, and just… better. I’ve started using my mini planners again, and thought I would repost the links to the daily planner, the self-reliance planner, and the PROS planner.
These mini booklets fold up from one piece of paper – producing 8 pages to plan and inspire. They are perfect for Family Home Evenings, or to give to a like-minded goal setter.
Hi! I realy like this pros planner, but do you have in portugueses (brazil)? I ‘m serve in yw and i would like to use this with our girls!
I’m waiting for your answer! Thanks!
And i realy like your posts! Thank you!
Seya! Jackie
This is so awesome!