We are starting Christmas music tomorrow! Our primary has been asked to sing in Sacrament Meeting December 12th, so we have 4 weeks to learn a couple Christmas songs. We will start with “Mary’s Lullaby” (CS 44) using the visuals pictured above. I’ll have the first verse scattered on the board, sing it through a couple times, then ask discovery questions while children come up one at a time to put the visuals in the proper order. We will do the same for the second verse next week.
The rest of our time we’ll choose songs from my “Give Thanks” poster that go along with this month’s theme. I plan to talk about how giving service is one way to show gratitude to our Heavenly Father.
Hi, I was just wondering where you got the picture for your "Give Thanks" poster. It's really a cute idea and I was just curious. Thanks so much for posting all your ideas. 🙂
Sharissa – it is from the "Sing a Song Activity and Idea Book" Vol. 1 by Karen Finch. It also has some nice Christmas and Pioneer posters in it. I found it in my ward primary closet – an oldie but a goodie!