My sweet Hope is turning 4 this week, and was asked by her preschool teachers to bring in a poster to display in their classroom. It will be in the “Me Museum” all week. It was fun to pick out some old photos and to take some new ones, exploring her love of dress up, playing with sisters, library books, playdough and candy!
We like to celebrate birthdays first thing in the morning, with presents and balloons with breakfast. I usually scribble out a quick “Happy Birthday” poster to hang on the birthday girl’s chair – but I am thinking this should be a new tradition: each year make a collage of photos that celebrate the birthday child, and have everyone in the family write things they love about her on the poster. The poster could be displayed all through the birthday month.
We are so blessed to have each other, and seeing these photos remind me of the joy we have together. Hope was born almost one year exactly after our dear son, Henry, passed away. We named her Hope in honor of that which we feel to be together as a family forever. Through the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, family joy can be eternal. I am grateful to have Hope in that.