personal progress goal card

With New Beginnings under our belt, it’s time to buckle down and get to work on doing our personal progress! We are having personal progress interviews this week with our young women, and will use these goal cards to help everyone get moving on completing experiences and projects. You can download the printable here.

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6 Responses to personal progress goal card

  1. Dianne says:

    I was looking at past posts and saw your Christmas ornament from this year. (The Innkeeper’s key) do you remember where you bought those, they are awesome!

    Thanks for sharing….Dianne

  2. Sharon Down says:

    Loving your ideas ! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Sharon Down says:

    Love these ideas!!!!!

  4. Cristine says:

    Thanks for sharing this cute printable!

  5. Shannon says:

    Thanks for this cute printable! I love it! Is it supposed to print out in blue, though? When I print it the only thing that prints black is the word ‘STAND’. I am wanting to print it on colored paper of each of the values, but I don’t think the blue will look very nice. Am I doing something wrong? If you can help I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

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