The April 2014 visiting teaching message is about Christ being our Savior and Redeemer. It includes the following quotes which I incorporated into a card:
Among the most significant of Jesus Christ’s descriptive titles is Redeemer,” said Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Redeem means to pay off an obligation or a debt.Redeem can also mean to rescue or set free as by paying a ransom. … Each of these meanings suggests different facets of the great Redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ through His Atonement, which includes, in the words of the dictionary, ‘to deliver from sin and its penalties, as by a sacrifice made for the sinner.’”1
Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president, said: “Heavenly Father … sent His Only Begotten and perfect Son to suffer for our sins, our heartaches, and all that seems unfair in our own individual lives.
The “bars” on the front of the card are meant to imply that sin, heartache and things that seem unfair in our lives can in a sense, “imprison” us, and that through the redemptive power of Christ’s atonement, we can be rescued or set free.
You can download the free printable here, which includes instructions on card assembly.
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Munchisimas gracias por tan hermosas ideas. En verdad me alientan y motivan muchisimo.
I one of the member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter the Saint. I do want do learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
querida Hermana . . . tendremos el mensaje en espanol? me encantaria compartirlo>
Thank you for this great idea. I gave these out yesterday together with this months message and the sisters I visit loved it. Thank you again and look forward to next months message and your creative idea. xx
Thank you, thank you so much for this. I visit teach a sister who is ill and sometimes is unable to go to church on sunday, so I always try and make something with a message on it. Visit teaching is such a special calling and this inspires us visit our sisters and let them know that they are loved.
Hi Kristin,
I am so happy that you are posting VT aids again!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful idea. I have been ‘cutting & pasting’ the Dutch translation and tomorrow my daughter Melissa and I will surprise our sisters with this amazing VT aid again!!! Lots of Love from Vlissingen, Birgitta.
Lo tienes disponible en espanol?
Thank you for another really lovely hand out. I know there are a lot of creative women out there making beautiful VT handouts, but you’re my absolute go-to favorite.