Our Super Purpose

The April 2011 Visiting Teaching Message is about the purpose of Relief Society. As I read the message and some of the supporting materials (particularly this talk by by Elder Ballard), I was impressed by how valued, how empoweredwomen are in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As I considered the far reaching effects a righteous woman has on all those around her, I wanted to create a teaching aid that reflects the powers we have been given to participate in God’s work – that of saving souls, leading women, strengthening homes, and building the kingdom of God.

I started with this lollipop, which I saw originally here. Just trim out, hole punch the cape and tape on the mask. It represents the “super” work we have to accomplish, along with the divine abilities we’ve been given to carry out our responsibilities.
The comic illustrates simple examples of ways to increase in faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and provide relief by serving the Lord and His children. I appreciate the challenge in the message and thought questions to increase our offering to fulfill the purpose of Relief Society as never before, and to find what I need to do to strengthen my faith and increase my own personal righteousness.
You can find the free download for the comic, cape and mask here. Print on heavy cardstock so your cape will fly straight!
Click here to see a super apron cape you could make if you have a little more time.
Some wonderful sisters have volunteered to translate into Spanish, Portuguese, French and German. As the translations come back to me, I will post them here at the bottom of this post.
Thank you all for the uplifting comments. I love knowing how visiting teachers everywhere are sharing messages and sisterhood with one another. You are all super. 😉
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26 Responses to Our Super Purpose

  1. zanobo says:

    I love this handout, thank you so much!

  2. Amy G says:

    This is adorable…and I'm tempted to make full size capes for the sisters I vt – I mean who wouldn't want to pretend they were a super hero when doing the dishes, cleaning the bathroom or serving their neighbor??? love the tootsie pop super hero!!! You're great!

  3. Kristin says:

    Amy – making full-size capes would be awesome! It makes me giddy just thinking about it. 😀

  4. Matilde Portela says:

    Irmã eu amo seu blog, sou de Manaus-Brasil, tenho sempre acompanhado seu blog, sempre coloco suas ideias no meu blog, mais dou os dévidos créditos, ficaria muito feliz com a sua visita, um abraço querida irmã.

  5. Dani Souza says:

    I'll wait anxiously for the Portuguese version.
    Hugs from Brazil.

  6. Carrie says:

    Thank you! I love your blog and the great ideas you have :o)

  7. Anonymous says:

    My heart is filled with gratitude at your willingness to share your talent and love of visiting teaching with all of your sisters in the gospel. Thank you doesnot seem like enough.

  8. Cody and Kyni Jo Decker says:

    Every month I get super excited to check your blog, and see what cute creative message you have come up with. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

  9. ladybug143 says:

    Wow! You have such great ideas! Thanks for sharing these!

  10. Debbie says:

    Thank you! You are so talented. I appreciate your willingness to share your ideas and talents with all of us. It make V.T. so much fun! I love visiting teaching

  11. Mutti says:

    I wondered how you could top the one for March, but you did it! Thank you, again and again! We love your handouts for each lesson!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thankyou so much for sharing your ideas! My Relief Society sisters are so into visiting teaching now when I share with them your ideas!.Greatful for what you do every month to uplift us with our calling.

  13. Dolly says:

    You truly are a real inspiration! I feel like I just hit the jack-pot for ideas:)

  14. Raschelle Dewey says:

    I just want to thank you for putting these together each month. Not only do they make me look like a super visiting teacher, always bringing these cute handouts and lessons, but they truely help me grow spiritually. I have not always been great at visiting teaching but everytime I read your blog, I try to do better! As I read your input and thoughts, I feel the Spirit and my testimony grows. Thank you so very much. You're hand work is appreciated more than you know!

  15. wanderingnana says:

    Thanks for helping me be a better VT. I used your March handout and have had multiple requests for the link where I found it. So… you're helping even more and I'm sure it will go around even more. Thank you so much for sharing.

  16. Dani Souza says:

    Thanks for the Portuguese version!!!

  17. Lana says:

    Thank you!!! I love seeing what you come up with each month. 🙂

  18. Jessica says:

    Okay, such a fun idea! Thank you. AND…my oldest is getting baptized in July and I am going to borrow this idea and adapt it for my son's cake and a cute thank you favor (cause that sucker is really ROCKIN' that cape)

  19. Austin Lovelys says:

    Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful ideas! I love that you have it available in spanish. You inspire me to go out and VT! 🙂

  20. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your generosity in sharing your wonderful, creative, and inspiring VT handouts. Blessings to you!

  21. Valerie says:

    That is so fun. Thanks for sharing it.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Thankyou for this great idea! it would be fun to use this for a Visiting Teaching workshop or convention!

  23. bonniemomof5 says:

    Thank you for such a great VT idea. Your service and example is an inspiration to all!

  24. Amy G says:

    Thought I'd post that I did indeed make full on capes… I wore the first one I finished while I completed the rest and I have to say it really did make me feel more powerful. (haha) Anyways I'm visiting my ladies tomorrow and delivering them. I will take their pictures and share them with you. I used your cartoon for inspiration/pattern

  25. Kristin says:

    Awesome, Amy G! Can't wait to to see your photos.

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